Sacred Body Positions
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Throughout my years of studying sacred body positions, various embodiment techniques, rituals, and ceremonies, I have found specific positions that are particularly helpful for preparing and integrating psycho-spiritual processes on an extremely deep level.
I would like to share a pertinent body position with you (and if it feels right), and invite you to find at least 5 minutes per day to prepare your body for the retreat.
This position, Balasana, was born from one of the most well-known philosophical branches of India called Yoga, which translates to „The Practice of Oneness“.
For those of you who have previously practiced Yoga you may be familiar with this pose often referred to as child's pose or „balasana“. There are many physical benefits such as the release of back and neck tension, a general calming effect, and stretching of the legs, ankles, thighs, hips, and knees.
Now, let's dive a bit deeper into this humble body position...
First, place your Yoga mat or a thick blanket on the floor. Then before taking your body towards the floor, take one big inhalation into your diaphragm (belly), and with the exhale invite yourself to come into the present moment, and into the sacred space that you have created for yourself.
Then take your body down on the floor, imagining that you are touching Mother Earth with your chin, arms, hands, and your third eye. You can open your knees slightly, so your belly can relax towards the earth.
Take a moment to consider now—to what or whom do you bow down?
Appreciation or gratitude for Mother Earth, human existence, yourself, or another being?
Be sure to also remember to honor your grief, losses, and/or your personal pains.
Let all that you feel in the moment flow through your body as you connect with the ground beneath you, down into Mother Earth and our planet, and breathe as deeply into your back as you can without forcing it. Always remember to be gentle with yourself.
Imagine, that with your out-breath, you can make an offering to her—your deepest emotions or wisdom. Continuing with the in-breath you breathe in the ancient wisdom, resilience, and beauty of all Mother Earth has to offer through your hands, forehead, and legs.
The Earth is holding you. You can trust her and you can be free to release any physical or emotional tension in this position.
Like a child, just be with the emotions that you feel in the present moment allowing them also to change or shift if needed. Just be a witness to what you are feeling— observe and breathe, and if it feels right for you, gently close your eyes.
Remember, what Karen shared so beautifully in her article about “The Making of a Modern Priestess“: From this feminine receptive place, one can allow the divine knowing how to flow.
Remain in this position as long as it feels good for you. If you would like to try to stay for 10 minutes or more, I suggest covering yourself with a blanket and putting something fluffed or soft under your third eye so there is less pressure on your forehead. You may also put a blanket in between your thighs and lower legs if it feels more comfortable.
When you feel ready to come out of balasana, do so slowly and gently, pressing the palms of your hands into the floor, and allowing your head to come up last.
It is possible that in this position you drop into a meditative state, you could feel emotions arising, or other body sensations like temperature fluctuations. The practice here is to remember to breathe, to accept, and to surrender to what is coming up for you and be in your awareness.
Let me know your experiences in the comments and please feel free to ask questions if you have any.
I am here to support you. Enjoy!